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The CWC Research managing director, Clive Waller expressed his concerns regarding time-poor advisers making these important decisions at the PortfolioMetrix’s ‘The Mix Forum’ event: The key points are: a decreasing number of advisers made their own fund selection decisions Generally, advisers don’t have the time to do all they need to do and run the...
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This Professional Adviser article presents the Diminimis founder and consultant, David Gurr’s concerns with great clarity. The key points are: There is confusing terminology used by the regulator in regard to outsourcing ‘outsourcing’ in the regulatory sense meant you have to have the “appropriate permissions” to outsource, but that only applies to the DIM “If...
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Investment Week reported the Tilney Bestinvest “Dog List” today, highlighting “OEICs and unit trusts that have underperformed their benchmarks for three consecutive years and by more than 10% over a three-year period.”… Should Performance be the only criteria on which a fund should be judged? The last few weeks have put Liquidity in the limelight, the...
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If you have been contacted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regarding a Suitability audit, this article should help you prepare for it. The FCA will be reviewing your firm’s processes relating to the due diligence (including research) undertaken to ensure that customers are sold suitable products and services. This will include (but is not...
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The FT Adviser reports that the Financial Conduct Authority has sent letters to 700 adviser firms requesting evidence of all of the financial advice they gave between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2015 as part of the FCA’s suitability review. Firms selected from a “statistically representative sample” of the market are to provide the...
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